Rocq Prover and Rocq Platform release cycle


We aim at a release process for the Rocq Prover and the Rocq Platform which makes it easier for users to provide feedback and for developers to deliver fixes.

In a nutshell the Rocq Prover "beta period" is replaced by a Rocq Platform "beta period". Rocq Prover devs tag an almost final version on top of which the Rocq Platform core is built. Rocq Prover point releases are then used to quickly deliver fixes to the Platform.


The beta testing period does not provide enough feedback to sensibly improve Rocq between the VX+beta1 and VX.0 tags. The reasons are, most important last:

  • users have better things to do, frankly
  • one month is short, especially with Christmas, summer holidays or conferences around (our beta period is December or May)
  • in order to test Rocq you are likely to need a bunch of Rocq packages, and they are typically only available after the beta period is over

Moreover the "beta period" has also been seen by devs as a time frame where they can still change many things. As a result, users are even less happy to spend time working on a moving target.

Finally, due to the cost of backporting breaking changes from the master branch to the release branch, this only happens very early in the release cycle (for example only 2 such changes were backported in the beta period for 8.12, 0 for 8.13).

New actor: Rocq Platform

The Rocq Platform is a selection of Rocq packages which work well for a given Rocq version. One of its objective is to disentangle the release of Rocq with the release of other packages. It provides scripts that build that selection of Rocq packages on Windows, Mac and Linux from sources on the user's machine, and as well binary installers (prebuilt) for users to quickly get a working environment.

The Platform is the final product users will get in this new model; the Rocq Prover is a core component of it.

Detailed design

The new process' timeline:

                     DO+           O                         O      O     O
rocq prover -+---(1)---+------(2)----+----------(3)------------+------+-----+-----
 vX branch/          |             |                         |
          VX+rc1 tag/              |                         |
                          VX.0 tag/                          |
                                                    VX.1 tag/
                                  DI                   DI              DI
platform  -----------+----(4)------+--------(5)---------+---------------+-------
      YYYY.MM branch/              |                    |               |
                   YYYY.MM+beta tag/                    |               |
                                          YYYY.MM.0 tag/   YYYY.MM.1 tag/
- D = Docker image for the Rocq Prover (or the Rocq Platform)
- O = OPAM package (O+ means for core-dev, otherwise it is for the main OPAM repo)
- I = binary installers for Rocq Platform

Rocq Prover

On time based schedule the RM branches vX.

  1. The RM shepherds the few PRs which are ready, ensures blocker issues are fixed and pins projects tracked by CI (using commit hashes, not necessarily tags). The RM generates the Changelog file via the script, but leaves the release notes empty (it's the project leader who fills them in before the .0 release). This step should take no more than 2 weeks.

    • The RM tags VX+rc1, but produces no binary installers, see the Platform release.
    • The RM ensures an OPAM package is available, currently the policy is to upload it to core-dev.
    • Subsequently, the RM ensures a Docker image is available, so that project maintainers can use it in CI during (4).

    No breaking change is allowed from now on, unless a severe problem is found.

  2. The documentation is updated (eg. the Changes file) and eventual fixes required by the Platform are done. Ideally no other change is done. This step should take no more than 2 weeks.

    • The RM tags the .0 release.
    • The RM ensures an OPAM package is uploaded to the main OPAM repository.
  3. In response to a severe bug report Rocq devs make an hotfix in master which is backported to vX.

    • The RM tags the point release, possibly as soon as the fix is available and merged.
    • The RM ensures an OPAM package is uploaded to the main OPAM repository.

Rocq Platform

When Rocq Prover VX+rc1 is tagged, the PRM branches YYYY.MM off

  1. Starting with the pins made by RM on Rocq's CI all packages part of the Platform (or its core) are pinned (in accordance with upstreams, which are notified about the ongoing process). Most, if not all, packages are in Rocq's CI or the Platform's CI so there should be no surprises. This step should not take more than one month.
    • The PRM tags YY.MM+beta tag and publishes the binary installers
    • The PRM also ensures a Docker image is available with the entire Platform prebuilt
  2. As users pick up the Platform and find severe bugs in Rocq, the Platform picks up point releases of Rocq containing hotfixes and eventually extends packages beyond the core set.

Synchronization points

  • The end of (1) starts the release cycle of the Platform.
  • The end of (2) and (4) don't need to be done at the same time, but if they are then the release cycle presented in this CEP roughly coincides with the previous one. Normally (2) precedes (4), but if the doc is not ready yet the Platform can still release a beta.
  • Rocq's VX.0 tag can be made as soon as the doc is clear. This will stress the fact that upstreams can pin with no worries as soon as the rc is tagged.


  • Rocq Prover tags are only announced to devs
  • Rocq Platform pins are communicated to upstream devs, which may tag/release.
  • Rocq Platform tags and packages are announced to the community (this is when we party)

Rocq Prover's CI

For each project P included in the Platform:

  • if P has ML code, then it must be tested using the standard configuration. It can also be tested using another configuration.
  • if P is pure .v code we have two cases
    • if it is a core Platform component (has many users in the Platform) then it must be tested using the standard configuration. It can also be tested using another configuration.
    • if it is not a core component, then it can be tested with any configuration, or not tested at all (it must be tested by the Platform's CI anyway)

The decision of which is the "standard configuration" and the switch to a new one is subject to discussion between the Rocq developers and the Platform ones, and the switch should happen in a coordinated way.

Moreover, Rocq Prover's CI must test:

  • a selection of Platform scripts, to test the script themselves, not the build of Platform packages. Currently the -extent=i Platform flag makes it build only Rocq+RocqIDE, that should be sufficient.

Rocq's CI can test anything else of course, including non standard configurations and projects that are not in the Platform.

Platform CI

  • on branch YYYY.MM it must test all packages and build installers as artifacts. This makes the Platform release doable without specific hardware (e.g. a Mac or a PC with windows).
  • on branch master it should take Rocq master and its upstream tracked branches (for the subset of projects part of the Platform) and eventually report the failures upstream. Currently this activity is logged in dedicated issues.


  • "severe bug" is a bug which blocks many users with no decent workaround, or a soundness bug.
  • "hotfix" is a minimal patch that repairs a problem, not necessarily the nice solution which may require refactoring or cleanups. The patch should pass CI with no overlay and must be reviewable (in a strict sense, as in looking for bugs, not just as in "looks reasonable")
  • "RM" is the release manager of Rocq
  • "PRM" are the release managers of the Rocq Platform
  • "standard configuration" is a version of ocaml and other tools which are agreed between Rocq devs and the Platform devs (dune, make, gmp, gtk...) as well as a set of configure options or env variables for Rocq (eg enabling or disabling native_compute, tuning OCaml's GC, tweaking the stack size)

Notes about Platform versioning

It's essentially the Ubuntu scheme:

  • YYYY.MM plays the role of a major version, as in Rocq's 8.13
  • YYYY.MM.0, YYYY.MM.1 ... play the role of point releases, as Rocq's 8.13.0 ..

Hence, it is not YYYY.MM.DD but rather YYYY.MM.XX.


This new process identifies 3 groups of developers which need to talk to each other: Rocq dev, Platform devs, and Docker devs. This is a risk, but also an advantage since the Rocq release becomes more lightweight, leaving the RM more time to focus on supporting the release with hotfixes.

Help Improve Our Documentation

All Rocq docs are open source. See something that's wrong or unclear? Submit a pull request.


Interactive Theorem Prover