package coq-vst-32

  1. Overview
  2. Homepage


The software toolchain includes static analyzers to check assertions about your program; optimizing compilers to translate your program to machine language; operating systems and libraries to supply context for your program. The Verified Software Toolchain project assures with machine-checked proofs that the assertions claimed at the top of the toolchain really hold in the machine-language program, running in the operating-system context.

Dependencies (5)

  1. coq-flocq >= "4.1.0"
  2. coq-vst-zlist = "2.13"
  3. coq-compcert-32 = "3.13.1"
  4. coq >= "8.17" & < "8.20~"
  5. ocaml

Dev Dependencies


Used by


Conflicts (1)

  1. coq-vst

Interactive Theorem Prover