package coq-validsdp

  1. Overview
  2. Homepage


ValidSDP is a library for the Coq formal proof assistant. It provides reflexive tactics to prove multivariate inequalities involving real-valued variables and rational constants, using SDP solvers as untrusted back-ends and verified checkers based on libValidSDP.

Once installed, you can import the following modules: From Coq Require Import Reals. From ValidSDP Require Import validsdp.

Dependencies (12)

  1. ocamlfind build
  2. osdp >= "1.0"
  3. coq-paramcoq >= "1.1.0"
  4. coq-coqeal >= "1.0.0"
  5. coq-mathcomp-multinomials >= "1.2"
  6. coq-libvalidsdp = "0.7.0"
  7. coq-mathcomp-field >= "1.8" & < "1.11~"
  8. coq-interval >= "3.4.0" & < "4~"
  9. coq-flocq >= "3.1.0"
  10. coq-bignums
  11. coq >= "8.7" & < "8.12~"
  12. ocaml

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. conf-autoconf build & dev

Used by





Interactive Theorem Prover