package coq-htt-core

  1. Overview
  2. Homepage
Hoare Type Theory


Dune Dependency






Hoare Type Theory (HTT) is a verification system for reasoning about sequential heap-manipulating programs based on Separation logic.

HTT incorporates Hoare-style specifications via preconditions and postconditions into types. A Hoare type ST P (fun x : A => Q) denotes computations with a precondition P and postcondition Q, returning a value x of type A. Hoare types are a dependently typed version of monads, as used in the programming language Haskell. Monads hygienically combine the language features for pure functional programming, with those for imperative programming, such as state or exceptions. In this sense, HTT establishes a formal connection in the style of Curry-Howard isomorphism between monads and (functional programming variant of) Separation logic. Every effectful command in HTT has a type that corresponds to the appropriate non-structural inference rule in Separation logic, and vice versa, every non-structural inference rule corresponds to a command in HTT that has that rule as the type. The type for monadic bind is the Hoare rule for sequential composition, and the type for monadic unit combines the Hoare rules for the idle program (in a small-footprint variant) and for variable assignment (adapted for functional variables). The connection reconciles dependent types with effects of state and exceptions and establishes Separation logic as a type theory for such effects. In implementation terms, it means that HTT implements Separation logic as a shallow embedding in Coq.

Dev Dependencies (3)

  1. coq-fcsl-pcm (>= "2.1.0" & < "2.2~") | (= "dev")
  2. coq-mathcomp-ssreflect (>= "2.2.0" & < "2.4~") | (= "dev")
  3. coq (>= "8.19" & < "8.21~") | (= "dev")

Used by (1)

  1. coq-htt >= "2.1.0"




Interactive Theorem Prover