4 search results for "tag:"date: 2004""
Showing 1 - 4
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The Chou, Gao and Zhang area method8.10.0UnknownUsed by 0 other packages19 Oct 2020 -
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Category theory in ZFC8.10.0LGPL 2.1Used by 0 other packages07 Dec 2019 -
No documentation
Numbers equal to the sum of two square numbers8.10.0LGPL 2.1Used by 0 other packages07 Dec 2019 -
No documentation
A normalization proof a la Tait for simply-typed lambda-calculuskeyword: normalization keyword: lambda calculus keyword: extraction keyword: Tait proof keyword: normalization by evalution keyword: type theory category: Mathematics/Logic/Type theory category: Computer Science/Lambda Calculi category: Miscellaneous/Extracted Programs/Type checking unification and normalization date: 20048.10.0LGPL 2.1Used by 0 other packages07 Dec 2019