A trustworthy, industrial-strength interactive theorem prover and dependently-typed programming language
for mechanised reasoning in mathematics, computer science and more.
The Rocq Prover was formerly known as the Coq Proof Assistant (see more on the name evolution).
A short introduction to the Rocq Prover
The Rocq Prover is an interactive theorem prover, or proof assistant. This means that it is designed to develop mathematical proofs, and especially to write formal specifications: programs and proofs that programs comply to their specifications. An interesting additional feature of Rocq is that it can automatically extract executable programs from specifications, as either OCaml or Haskell source code.
[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_core_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Fixpointfacn :=
match n with
| 0 | 1 => 1
| S n' => n * fac n'
= 120
: nat
n: nat
fac n > 0
n: nat
fac n > 0
fac 0 > 0
n: nat IHn: fac n > 0
fac (S n) > 0
fac 0 > 0
1 > 0
n: nat IHn: fac n > 0
fac (S n) > 0
IHn: fac 0 > 0
fac 1 > 0
n: nat IHn: fac (S n) > 0
fac (S (S n)) > 0
IHn: fac 0 > 0
fac 1 > 0
IHn: fac 0 > 0
1 > 0
n: nat IHn: fac (S n) > 0
fac (S (S n)) > 0
unfold fac in *; lia.Qed.
[Loading ML file extraction_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Extraction Language OCaml.
(** val fac : nat -> nat **)let recfacn = match n with
| O -> S O
| S n' ->
(match n' with
| O -> S O
| S _ -> mul n (fac n'))
Trusted in Academia and Industry
These organisations and companies rely on Rocq every day — along with hundreds of other researchers and engineers.
The Rocq Prover has been recognised by the ACM for their prestigious Software System Award.
The recipients of the awards are thanking all developers who contributed to the success of the Rocq Prover,
the users who illustrated how to use Rocq for so many impressive projects in formal certification, programming, logic,
formalization of mathematics and teaching as well as the whole surrounding scientific community in proof theory,
type theory, programming languages, interactive theorem proving.
A Foundationally Sound, Trustworthy Formal Language and Implementation
Rocq's highly expressive type system and proof language enable fully mechanised verification
of programs with respect to strong specifications in a wide variety of languages. Through the
Curry-Howard lens, it simultaneously provides a rich logic and foundational computational
theory for mathematical developments, supported by a flexible proof environment.
Its well-studied core type theory, resulting from over 40 years of research, is implemented in a
well-delimited kernel using the performant and safe OCaml programming language, providing the
highest possible guarantees on mechanised artifacts.
The core type theory is itself formalised in Rocq in the MetaRocq project, a verified reference checker
is proven correct and complete with respect to this specification and can be extracted to reduce the
trusted code base of any formalization to the specification of Rocq's theory and the user specification.
From Low-Level Verification to Homotopy Type Theory
The Rocq Prover enables a very wide variety of developments to coexist in the same system, ranging from
end-to-end verified software and hardware models to the development of higher-dimensional mathematics.
Flagship projects using Rocq include the Mathematical Components library and its derived proofs of
the Four-Color and Feith-Thompson theorems; the verified CompCert C compiler and the associated
Verified Software Toolchain for proofs of C-like programs, or the development of Homotopy Type Theory
and Univalent Foundations of mathematics. Rocq is also a great vehicle for
teaching logic and computer science as exemplified by the thousands of students that have gone
through the Software Foundations series of books.
Rocq's development is entirely open-source and a large and diverse community of users participate in its
continued evolution.
Mathematical Components
(* (c) Copyright 2006-2018 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *)(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)From fourcolor Require Import real realplane.
[Loading ML file ssrmatching_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file ssreflect_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Serlib plugin: coq-elpi.elpi is not available: serlib support is missing.
Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted.
[Loading ML file coq-elpi.elpi ... done]
(******************************************************************************)(* This files contains the proof of the high-level statement of the Four *)(* Color Theorem, whose statement uses only the elementary real topology *)(* defined in libraries real and realplane. The theorem is stated for an *)(* arbitrary model of the real line, which we show in separate libraries *)(* (dedekind and realcategorical) is equivalent to assuming the classical *)(* excluded middle axiom. *)(* We only import the real and realplane libraries, which do not introduce *)(* any extra-logical context, in particular no new notation, so that the *)(* interpretation of the text below is as transparent as possible. *)(* Accordingly we use qualified names refer to the supporting result in the *)(* finitize, discretize and combinatorial4ct libraries, and do not rely on *)(* the ssreflect extensions in the formulation of the final arguments. *)(******************************************************************************)SectionFourColorTheorem.VariableRmodel : Real.model.LetR := Real.model_structure Rmodel.Implicit Typem : map R.
Rmodel: Real.model R:= Real.model_structure Rmodel: Real.structure m: map R
finite_simple_map (R:=R) m ->
colorable_with (R:=R) 4 m
Rmodel: Real.model R:= Real.model_structure Rmodel: Real.structure m: map R
finite_simple_map (R:=R) m ->
colorable_with (R:=R) 4 m
Rmodel: Real.model R:= Real.model_structure Rmodel: Real.structure m: map R fin_m: finite_simple_map (R:=R) m
colorable_with (R:=R) 4 m
Rmodel: Real.model R:= Real.model_structure Rmodel: Real.structure m: map R fin_m: finite_simple_map (R:=R) m G: hypermap.hypermap planarG: geometry.planar_bridgeless G colG: coloring.four_colorable G ->
colorable_with (R:=Real.model_structure Rmodel)
4 m
Rmodel: Real.model R:= Real.model_structure Rmodel: Real.structure m: map R
simple_map (R:=R) m -> colorable_with (R:=R) 4 m
Rmodel: Real.model R:= Real.model_structure Rmodel: Real.structure m: map R
simple_map (R:=R) m -> colorable_with (R:=R) 4 m
revert m; exact (finitize.compactness_extension four_color_finite).Qed.EndFourColorTheorem.
Homotopy Type Theory
Set Universe Polymorphism.(* Equivalences *)ClassIsEquiv {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A -> B) := BuildIsEquiv {
e_inv : B -> A ;
e_sect : forallx, e_inv (f x) = x;
e_retr : forally, f (e_inv y) = y;
e_adj : forallx : A, e_retr (f x) = ap f (e_sect x);
}.(** A class that includes all the data of an adjoint equivalence. *)ClassEquivAB := BuildEquiv {
e_fun : A -> B ;
e_isequiv :> IsEquiv e_fun
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
isretr (f a) = ap f (issect' f g issect isretr a)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
isretr (f a) = ap f (issect' f g issect isretr a)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
isretr (f a) =
ap f
((ap g (ap f (issect a)^) @ ap g (isretr (f a))) @
issect a)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
eq_refl =
ap f
((ap g (ap f (issect a)^) @ ap g (isretr (f a))) @
issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
eq_refl =
((ap f (ap g (ap f (issect a)^)) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
ap f (issect a)) @ (isretr (f a))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
eq_refl =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
(ap f (issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
eq_refl =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
(ap f (issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
eq_refl = ?y
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
?y =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
(ap f (issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
?y =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
(ap f (issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
?x =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
?x' = ap f (issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
?x' = ap f (issect a) @ (isretr (f a))^
exact e.
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
eq_refl =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
((funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(ap f (issect a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)) =
ap f (issect a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
eq_refl =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A
eq_refl =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
eq_refl =
(ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a)
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0:= concat_A1p (funb : B => isretr b) (isretr (f a)): ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (isretr (f a)) @
(funb : B => isretr b) (f a) =
(funb : B => isretr b) (f (g (f a))) @
isretr (f a)
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (isretr (f a)) =
(isretr (f (g (f a))) @ isretr (f a)) @
(isretr (f a))^
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f (g (f a))) @
(isretr (f a) @ (isretr (f a))^)
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f (g (f a))) @ eq_refl
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f (g (f a)))
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
eq_refl = ?y
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x = ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x' =
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x' =
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @
((isretr (f (g (f a))))^ @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x' =
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @ (isretr (f (g (f a))))^) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x' = ?y
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y =
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @ (isretr (f (g (f a))))^) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y =
(ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @ (isretr (f (g (f a))))^) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x =
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @ (isretr (f (g (f a))))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'0 = ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x = ?y
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y =
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @ (isretr (f (g (f a))))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'0 = ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y =
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) @ (isretr (f (g (f a))))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x0 = ap f (ap g (isretr (f a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'1 = (isretr (f (g (f a))))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = ?x0
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'1 = (isretr (f (g (f a))))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'1 = (isretr (f (g (f a))))^
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'0 = ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'0 = ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x'0 = ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?x' =
eq_refl @ ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
eq_refl =
ap (funx : B => f (g x)) (ap f (issect a)^) @
(eq_refl @ ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (ap f (issect a)))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
eq_refl =
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a)^ @
(eq_refl @ ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a))
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
eq_refl =
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a)^ @
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a)
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a)^ @
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a) = eq_refl
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a)^ @
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) (issect a) =
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
?y = eq_refl
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
ap (f ∘ g) ∘ f ((issect a)^ @ issect a) = eq_refl
A, B: Type f: A -> B g: B -> A issect: g ∘ f == id isretr: f ∘ g == id a: A e:= concat_pA1 (funb : B => (isretr b)^)
(isretr (f a)): (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f (g (f a))) @
ap (funb : B => f (g b)) (isretr (f a)) =
isretr (f a) @ (funb : B => (isretr b)^) (f a) e0: ap f (ap g (isretr (f a))) = isretr (f (g (f a)))
ap (funx : A => f (g (f x))) eq_refl = eq_refl
reflexivity.Defined.Definitionisequiv_adjointify {AB : Type} (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
(issect : g∘ f == id) (isretr : f ∘ g == id) : IsEquiv f
:= BuildIsEquiv A B f g (issect' f g issect isretr) isretr
(is_adjoint' f g issect isretr).
Elaboration, Metaprogramming and Embedded Domain-Specific Logics and Languages
Developing formal proofs and verified programs often requires extending the core
language with domain-specific notations, proof strategies and application-specific
structures. The Rocq Prover provides many mechanisms to tailor the environment to one's
requirements and structure developments. Rocq comes with a built-in lightweight scoped
notation system, a coercion system and typeclass systems that allow user-defined extension
of the elaboration phases. This support is essential for developing embedded domain-specific logics and languages,
as exemplified in the Iris project which allows to reason about
effectul programs in languages like Rust
using sophisticated variants of separation logic.
Fast Proof Checker
The Rocq Prover offers a finely-tuned proof engine and kernel implementation allowing large-scale formalization,
with efficient bytecode and native conversion checkers relying on the OCaml runtime.
It can also interoperate with code written in other languages thanks to its unique extraction facilities.
Rocq is used by hundreds of developers, companies, research labs, teachers, and more. Learn how it fits your use case.
For Educators
With its mathematical roots, the Rocq Prover has always had strong ties to academia.
It is taught in universities around the world, and has accrued an ever-growing body of research.
Learn more about the academic rigor that defines the culture of Rocq.
Rocq's strong correctness guarantees and high performance empower
companies to provide reliable services and products.
Learn more about how Rocq is used in the industry.